Staff Application Template


Global Administration

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January 6, 2025 at 11:36 PM
The following format applies to all staff applications:

Steam Name:

Steam Profile:

Discord Username/ID:



Time Played:

Are you V.I.P?:

Do you have a mic and do you use it?

Staff Recommendations:

Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.

Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time?

Please explain the time period the server is set in:

Are you currently on any other servers?

Staffing Questions:

Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.

Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words]

Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team?

What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this? [200 words]