Shepherd's Staff Application
Steam Name: Shepherd
Steam Profile: STEAM_0:0:646528906
Discord Username/ID: 1shepherd
Age: 17
Timezone: Central Standard Time
Time Played: The server has yet to release.
Are you V.I.P?: No.
Do you have a mic and do you use it? Yes, and I will.
Staff Recommendations: Virwetztut has recommended me for staff.
Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities: I currently have zero character because the server has yet to release.
Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time: I have zero staff punishments.
Please explain the time period the server is set in: The world is currently under the rule of Emperor Palpetine on the Death Star.
Are you currently on any other servers? No.
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position. Yes, I was a Staff Member on many servers within the 1942 RP Community but the most notable is Prometheus Networks.
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words] The reason that Andromeda Networks has such an outstanding community with amazing roleplayers is because of the outstanding staff team that ensures the community has its problems solved while acting in a professional manner. It is important to uphold all of the responsibilities of a staff member to ensure players' questions, problems, mistakes, and issues that they have had. Staff members ensure that there are no disruptions within roleplay and that everything runs smoothly by getting rid of those who intend to impede roleplay. I believe I can assist players whenever required with their needs as long as they are within reason and within my abilities as a moderator. When taking staff sits I would never act biased and only use the evidence brought to me by the person who created the sit. It is important to act with professionalism because staff set the example for the quality of the server. I will be very active on the server play in the afternoons during the weekdays and for hours during the day and night on the weekends. I understand that activity is essential when you are a member of the staff team on andromeda networks and I am fully prepared. My dedication to this community has been held the moment I heard of its released and I don't intend to stop now. I have seen some crazy things and I am ready to enforce the standard of the staff team and ensure that there are no problems within roleplay. I am prepared to accept the challenges and contribute more as a staff member for the betterment of our community. My presence as a staff member will be unwavering as I mediate conflict and resolve issues among players while enforcing the high standard expected of me as a staff member.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team? I see myself rising the ranks within roleplay and within the staff team. I intend to ascend as high as I can.
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this? [200 words] The server hasn't released, so I haven't seen any issues.
Staff Recommendations: None.
You need atleast 1 staff recommendation.
I've been recommend by virwetztut, my apologizes.
Nothing good to say about this guy.
-1 nah bro Polishguy dont like you, that means no staff
😂 thank you 2 randoms and jewby for the kind words, much obliged!
From what I have seen from other communties we've been in together, he's a decent staff member with a good standing.
He is a well-rounded guy on top of it and is not known for creating drama.
+1 get him on the TEAM
-1 Nothing good to say about him, he tends to mass recruit minges and kill roleplay with overwhelming toxicity, and he also abuses the Trusted flags on other servers to give himself a edge in roleplay situations. I would be terrified to see what he does with staff if he cannot be trusted on other servers with perms.
huge -1 I dont like people who reference 1942 RP in star wars settings! Different type of server expereicne, which tends to lead to a shitshow in swrp servers. Your only view in the coming month is just to rise in rank? Seems like the most power-hungry thing you could possibly say. Also, took criticism in replies by calling them "randoms" which is both unprofessional and immature. Not a good look for someone who wants to be above others! And everything that Raven said above me is quite compelling, an (admittedly unconfirmed) abuse of power is concerning.
+1 pretty cool guy