Jewby's Staff Application
Steam Name:
Steam Profile:
Discord Username/ID:
Time Played:
None Yet
Are you V.I.P?:
Not yet
Do you have a mic and do you use it?
Of course
Staff Recommendations:
Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities. None yet
Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time?
Please explain the time period the server is set in:
The year is 9 AFE. We are currently a part of a Task Force sent to the far reaches of the galaxy to maintain control. The Senate has largely become figureheads and the power has begun shifting to the Military and Compnor.
Are you currently on any other servers?
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.
I've been a staff member on various other gmod servers mostly dark rp
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words]
I have a lot of commitment and experience with not only serious RP servers but also staff teams. My goal is always to develop a good relationship with not only the community but also the staff team. If a staff team is not cohesive it leads to drama and this is the worst thing, especially for a server that is just starting.. From my past experiences, I have plenty of a good balance between enjoying the RP myself and taking tickets to ensure there is not a backlog of tickets.
I personally have a more relaxed style to the enforcement of the rules and believe players should be encouraged to roleplay out scenarios rather than always calling for a staff member. I also believe that it is better to allow players to see their mistakes and correct them before more serious consequences. This will help improve not only the community but the role-play environment as well.
I am also a person who is able to admit my mistakes and wrongdoings.
Lastly, I believe that during peak hours, having staff available and willing to deal with situations that arise is key. During these times I am going to dedicate myself to taking tickets and dealing with situations that arise.
Where do you see yourself in a month in the staff team?
After a month on the staff team, I'm fully immersed. I understand how the rest of the team rules things. There is nothing more annoying than one staff member saying something is okay and another saying it is against the rules. This is an issue I have noticed quite frequently on many other serious role-play servers.
Also by this time, I believe that I will have shown myself to someone reliable but fair. I believe by this point I will have established myself within the community as someone who is approachable and trustworthy.
What is there for you to improve about the staff team, and how do you plan to accomplish that? [200 words]
I believe I can be around during the peak hours for our staff team, where the main goal would be to take more action to better attend to concerns by the players and avoid roleplay experience hitches. There could be inconsistency at times with tickets responses and even resolving issues. During these times, it becomes pretty busy. Therefore, my main action in such times will be being around, ensuring players have the help they need and things go smoothly when such disturbances arise.
I also try to promote clear communication and collaboration among the staff members. If we make a team feel comfortable when sharing their insight and feedback, then we would be able to work more effectively together. I would suggest regular staff checks-in and encourage open discussions about ongoing challenges or player feedback.
I'll also ensure that staff decisions put community welfare above all and enforce rules without being too rigid on the players. One way to encourage this is by getting staff members to guide the players rather than giving punitive measures so that they would understand what the server's rule enforces and avoid exclusion.
Hopefully, focus in on these areas will help to create a cohesive, responsive, and player-centered staff team where the server remains welcoming and engaging for all.
Good staff app.
-1, which AI did you use to type majority of this staff app?
-1 this just stinks of AI writing