Kingsley's Staff Application
Steam Name: Steph Kingsley
Steam Profile:
Discord Username/ID: Kingsley1220
Age: 23
Timezone: CST
Time Played: 2,444 hours
Are you V.I.P?: No
Do you have a mic and do you use it? Yes
Staff Recommendations: Elliot Goldbergstein
Basic Questions: Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
- NT-6969 (Nova Commander), This character's responibilites is to lead and train the Nova Troopers to best fit their roles in duty. That duty is to secure the saftey for members of goverment and secure its assests.
- Senior Operative Xander Marz (ISB). This character's duty in ISB-E is to serve and execute warrents given by The Imperial Security Bureau along with the security of ISB officials.
Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time? N/A
Please explain the time period the server is set in: 9 AFE
Are you currently on any other servers? No
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position. Typhon - Moderator Defcon Gaming - Moderator
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words] I would be a good fit for staff because of my experience on how servers operate. I have played in a lot of RP servers on Gmod, with that I have came across a lot of different characters. I am able to tell a minge from a serious RPer and I believe that can go along way when trying to moderate a server. I am also a very fair person and believe that if you break the rules no matter who you are, you should face the consequences according to the rule you break. I am an extremely hard and team player. I know how to make sacrifices in my own RP to help the mod team and answer tickets, even if this hinders my own RP (while not in an active RP scenario). I am also a competent person and can rely on common sense. I am a very honest person and try to be as open about any situation as possible. I am also always open to positive criticism from other staff and try to take advice wherever I can find it. I am also a big lover of Immersion and try to make sure that everyone is having an immersive experience. Overall I think I can add a lot to the server and give as many people as possible a great experience.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team? I would like to see myself at Senior Mod position with enough hard work and effort put in.
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this? [200 words] I am not as familiar with the staff team as a whole so I can not speak on what I would like to see from them in detail although I would like to see them conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Although what I can say is what I want to bring to the team. I want to make sure every interaction I have as staff will encourage people to continue playing on Andromeda Networks. I hope to accomplish this by being fair and just in any situation presented. Hopefully my actions can not only spread off to other players but other staff as well. I also want to be as cooperative with the other staff members so that we can handle situations where we are needed as efficiently as possible. I plan on doing this by keeping in contact and communication with other staff so we are all on the same page in any given situation. I also wish to get to know my fellow staff so that we can have good relations, I believe the more you know a person the better you can communicate and approach them. Overall I just want to see and assist with making sure communication and relations amongst staff professional.
Gave my reccomendation, Kingsley will make a fine addition to the staff team. He has worked under most of the staff teams I've run and knows how to do the job effectively.
I've known Kingsley on a few servers in the past and can think he will be a helpful and active staff member.
Decent app.
1+ Great Guy, Very Kocher.