slurmpy staff application
Steam Name: Slurmpy
Steam Profile: [url=][/url]
Discord Username/ID: _slurmpy
Age: 20
Timezone: EST
Time Played: N/A
Are you V.I.P?: No
Do you have a mic and do you use it? Yes
Staff Recommendations: Elliot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks.
- N/A
Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
- N/A
Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time?
- N/A
Please explain the time period the server is set in:
- A few years after the formation of the empire and the fall of the republic, galactic stability was rather tame but through injustice and oppression resentment was starting to form, there was not a large force of rebels but they still existed, much of the conflict at the time was that of fanatic cells of CIS holdouts and drug related factions.
Are you currently on any other servers?
- Nope
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.
- Hadron Roleplay 2018-2019 (Moderator for 2 months)
- Revenant Roleplay 2019-2021 (Moderator for 6ish months)
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words]
- I have decent experience in the GMod moderation sphere, extensive knowledge of star wars, and extensive knowledge of GMod Star wars roleplay from years of being a part of the community. I also have culminated experience outside of GMod in games like Rust, Minecraft, and Roblox where I achieved rather high ranks on the staff team from my ability to keep things professional. I also have experience in the realm of being a game master and assisting others in events they may be hosting. I dont put my friends or myself above the rules. I also just like to create a welcoming environment wherever I am, even if it's on a GMod Star Wars roleplay server. I also very much believe in second chances for players given they take the chance to learn from their mistakes, obviously there are limits to what offenses players could get a second chance for but education is a much better deterrent of bad behaviour than outright punishment. This can also help make players not as hostile towards staff as a positive and not condescending attitude can keep situations from escalating into larger issues. I also do my best to keep myself in check and make sure others, on the staff team, aren’t overstepping their permissions or acting in an ill-mannered fashion.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team?
- I have little ambition to climb the ranks of staff so the highest I see myself going is probably Admin, whether I achieve that within a month is to be seen.
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to accomplish this? [200 words]
- Since there hasn't been a server launch its hard to know what to try and improve but I think player feedback is very important in any regard whether it be development, community wide suggestions such as events or revisions to rules, or smaller roleplay suggestions that may only impact the experience of a few players so long as the majority benefit. In the end our job is to nurture the experience for the player, not necessarily direct it, but rather to keep it from becoming too problematic or chaotic in ways that would ruin the roleplay and experience overall. This is something that is hard to improve upon and takes time to achieve but if the staff team is a coherent group it becomes second nature. Not really sure what else to say on this matter since there hasn't been a server launch but another way is I am not joining staff with the ambition to climb the ranks and gain power over others, I want to look out for the little guy who other staff might overlook and make sure those players are kept happy and not forgotten about like they are in most communities.
+1 User's vast knowledge from other games as well as being staff in some communities that I have been apart of, nothing but good things to say about this player. He will take care of this community and take great strides to make it great and safe.
@War could you elaborate on why you think im unfit? I dont recall knowing you from any community.
Gave my reccomendation, Slurmpy is a former Revenant staff member just like myself and was one of the few members of the staff I considered invaluable to the team.
@war The conversations I think you refer to are just purely banter and no real ill intent was behind anything I said. But I understand the confusion nonetheless.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I've recently talked to a staff member that goes by "sin".
Dont be so hard on people.