TheAdmiralty Staff Application.
Steam Name: |TheAdmiralty.|
Steam Profile:
Discord Username/ID: theadmiralty.
Age: 27
Timezone: US - EST
Time Played: 2,195.6 hours
Are you V.I.P?: No, But I intend to get VIP if the option is given.
Do you have a mic and do you use it? I do have a mice with the intent to use it.
Staff Recommendations: Elliot Goldberstein
Basic Questions: Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
ISB Agent trainee Cassian Pious: As of right now, my responsibilities consist of monitoring personel within the ISB. Ensuring that the duties of each department are carried out. We investigate anti imperial rehtoric, Terrorist activities and threats agaisnt galactic peace. The ISB is a security force that is the backbone of imperial intelligence that spans accross the galaxy.
Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time? The most I have ever gotten was a NLR warn and a flag warn for building overly complex things. (no warns or punishments on AN)
Please explain the time period the server is set in: 19bby, this is a point in time where the galactic empire stands largly unopposed and is in the middle of passifying worlds that rejected the new order.
Are you currently on any other servers? As of this moment, Andromeda has my full attention with me not having any participation on any other Gmod related servers.
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.
GGN (Geetslys Gaming Network) Moderator. Atlas Gaming Moderator. Typhon Networks Moderator. Remnant Moderator.
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team?
I feel that I can bring a positive and friendly nature to the staff team, I am up to date on all of my rules and am fully prepared to learn new ones should RP have changed. But I have the time to be active through most of the week even though I do work. I am dedicated and a non bias decision maker who acts using logic and the sway of the law book. I have been on the moderation team of quite a few servers including some known ones and some unknown ones. Ticket quotas are no issue as most base things can be handled by persons otherthan UA, as long as the Moderator in question has the general understanding and unbias nature then the servers operation and problems should steadily cease.
My knowledge I can bring to the table is also another thing, along side a sense of seasoned maturity. My hope being that my addition will help people who also play at later times in the day, as mentioned prior; I do work so you will find me more active on mondays, thursdays and nights throughout the week. This will allow moderators that have bed times or off times the ability for rest while a (night shift) moderator who is on until the dead hours can continue to help and aid those that need it.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team?
My wish is to stay at a moderator level or maybe on the way to moving up to admin. My goal by simply posting about being a moderator is to help the community with issues they are having both gameplay and RP wise. Moderators are the perfect helpers (when its not a pk)
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this?
I have yet to see how the operation of this team works, but I am excited to see what they can do for the players. But I am aware of a few staff members that I know personally, and I can say for sure that those additions will be what helps improve on the quality of life and the answering of tickets. What I would like to see from the team is cohesion and a sense of family when it comes to tackling problems, should a moderator need UA for a PK or something dire; it is the hope that UA responds rapidly with precision. A cohesive team makes for a prosperous server. Maintaining a proper flow of communication and ensuring people are checking their DMs, the forums and the main server are ways that the team can maintain a consistent flow of information. As long as the three main forms of traffic are monitored, members within the mod/ staff team shouldn't have any issues relaying and helping one another solve server side issues. Other ways of ensuring stability and ticket completion with the staff team would be to schedule active moderators/ admins or set active hours for each member of the team. (RP does get in the way of some of the tickets being handled, so communicating that to other moderators when tickets are filling up can help pull some stress off the player base.)
Say it with me! Safety, Security, Justice, and Peace! Safety, Security, Justice, and Peace!!
Good applicaton,would like to get to know ya.
Gave my recommendation, Admiralty has been a trusted friend of mine for many years now. He has experience in the staff team of TPN (a very large community of its time) as well as a few others he'd listed. I know from experience in both my positions of higher roles on various staff teams and my personal acquaintance of him that he without doubt has what it takes to excel as a staff member.
+1 Was staff on many servers, very poggys.
+1 Good guy and knows what he is doing