Mech's Staff Application
Steam Name: Mech
Steam Profile:
Discord Username/ID: iq205
Age: 19
Timezone: CST
Time Played: N/A
Are you V.I.P?: No.
Do you have a mic and do you use it? Yes
Staff Recommendations: Anarky
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks.
N/A Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
N/A **Have you recieved any staff punishments? If so how can you improve next time?
N/A Please explain the time period the server is set in: 9AFE, after the formation of the empire, the rebellion is on the rise, and the empire is flourishing, and power is thrown out of balance.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staffing Questions: Are you currently on any other servers? Not Regularly.
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position. Icefuse 2020-2022, Elite Administrator&GameMaster Fudgys Dark RP 2022, Administrator Revenant 2023, Moderator Atomicgaming 2023 (2 weeks), Trial Moderator
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words]: Ive done this quite a bit, and on nutscript especially. I have experience with events and ticket taking, i am composed, and am more likely to spend time on staff taking tickets than in character. I would like to help the server get off its feet by taking a load off of the UA who make the current events, I have a good relationship with a lot of people on andromeda and would love to assist In any way i can for as long as you let me. I am Active a lot, as im a full time college student, and only have 3 hours of class, I plan to be reliable and active so the server can get off its training wheels, i also think it would be fun to help in the start of something that can be great.
Where do you see yourself in a month in the staff team? I would like to be one of the better known members just by being a member of the community and helping in any way i can, I just want to get my name out to meet the people who have the same hobbies as me, i am very well versed in starwars lore, and have come with the sole intent of being a Gamemaster, not just for your entertainment but for the servers wellbeing.
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to accomplish this? [200 words] The server hasn't Opened yet, So i can't say much about the staff team, just that i know quite a few of them, and most of the ones i know are hardworking individuals with a background of doing stuff like this, but a problem servers like this do have in the beginning, is that theres not a hierarchy, so the new guys dont know what to do, and the high ranking ones from the start tend to abuse since they didnt have to work for there position within the community, i believe it would be best to have only trusted members of the community vote on the progression of staff, or have the them be on a strike system for the first month or so, the community has to be protected to rise to what the others have perfected over years of trial and error.
I trust Anarky's judgement and he is reccomending him. Application is good and has plenty of experience. Well versed gamemasters are always in demand.
Great guy. Has lots of experience, would be a great add on to the team.
good guy.
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This guy is really good and very friendly/helpful.