Civ larp gangsta
February 10, 2025 at 5:38 PM
What is the Idea and can you describe the idea in the best way possible:
Civillian faction, more civillian like jobs or ideas maybe empire idk.
Drugs (From what I know Spice is added already but this is more indepth.)
Death Stick
Black Hole
I mean maybe you could use the drug processor plugin from 42 and slightly tweak it into more Star Wars themed.
Add civilian like factions to roleplay gun deals or for factions to purchase things. This would be done by simply adding a faction!
BlasTech Industries - Empire controlled arms and munitions facturor
Rothana Engineering - Ships. Speeders. Vehicles.
Mining Guild - Materials. Durasteel.
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?:
Simply adds more roleplay plus this server is majorly different by having an actual government and cabinet, I mean if you have no civilians to actually enact these "goverment laws" not really any kind of point to have one then is it.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): Not really unless some idiot staff member gives themself 1 bazillion credits and buys guns and everything and fucks the economy but thats not really a server issue thats an issue of abuse.
Is there any additional information you can add?: No.
Civillian faction, more civillian like jobs or ideas maybe empire idk.
Drugs (From what I know Spice is added already but this is more indepth.)
Death Stick
Black Hole
I mean maybe you could use the drug processor plugin from 42 and slightly tweak it into more Star Wars themed.
Add civilian like factions to roleplay gun deals or for factions to purchase things. This would be done by simply adding a faction!
BlasTech Industries - Empire controlled arms and munitions facturor
Rothana Engineering - Ships. Speeders. Vehicles.
Mining Guild - Materials. Durasteel.
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?:
Simply adds more roleplay plus this server is majorly different by having an actual government and cabinet, I mean if you have no civilians to actually enact these "goverment laws" not really any kind of point to have one then is it.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): Not really unless some idiot staff member gives themself 1 bazillion credits and buys guns and everything and fucks the economy but thats not really a server issue thats an issue of abuse.
Is there any additional information you can add?: No.
February 14, 2025 at 10:55 PM
+1 honestly really like the idea
February 15, 2025 at 8:28 AM
We will be moving to a Ship soon, Civillian LARP will not make sense.
This discussion is locked.