February 12, 2025 at 10:34 PM
What is the Idea and can you describe the idea in the best way possible: Add the secure transceiever to DT on spawn, as well as health and whatever else needed that way we don't have to put in tickets everytime we die. Also add the Health to Imperial Commandos as well not sure if anyone else needs it or not. Also can we get our E-11Ds Itamized?
Transciever: sc_tranceiver
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?: That way there's not ticket spam anytime a DT dies for them to get their things.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): Honestly don't think it can.
Is there any additional information you can add?: None.
Transciever: sc_tranceiver
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?: That way there's not ticket spam anytime a DT dies for them to get their things.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): Honestly don't think it can.
Is there any additional information you can add?: None.
February 13, 2025 at 3:50 AM
Yes we will be adding this in.
We have just been backlogged with general bugs before adding this in.
We will look to have it in no more than a week I have prioritised the devs to do this.
Thank you for your help.
Yes we will be adding this in.
We have just been backlogged with general bugs before adding this in.
We will look to have it in no more than a week I have prioritised the devs to do this.
Thank you for your help.
This discussion is locked.