Ibby's Ban Appeal



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February 14, 2025 at 2:04 PM
Name: Ibby
Discord: ibbyreal_
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:584927390

Is this Appeal a Dispute or Apology: Dispute
Which staff member banned you? (If unsure, type "Unknown") Unknown
Date of Ban: 14/02/2025
How long is your ban for?: Perma

Why were you banned? (Explain the situation as you understand it): From what I have been told it was due to me being associated with another member called tux.

Quoted from Dawg: "difference is you sit there talkign shit with him about the server at thew same time, you openly admitted to me you doing numerous amounts of things against server rules and then +1'd his forum appeal with a big fat black cock"

Do you admit to the actions leading to your ban? (Yes/No – explain if necessary): Yes. I admit, I did +support the ban appeal, I already have spoken with dawg and admitted other things that I was already punished for.

Why do you believe the ban should be lifted or reduced? (Provide reasoning, such as changes in behavior, misunderstanding, or unfair ruling):

The first point is that a lot, and A LOT of people were talking crud about the server it was purely coincedence tux was also talking in chat and the fact that this was during right before the server was scheduled to open so it was more than just me and tux. Second point, it was not numerous, it was two things that I mentioned, but I was muted and gagged for this and I am sure people who were there at the moment can also say I was muted/gagged. Now am I saying to remove that from my past offenses no, because that was stupid and I realise why that was idiotic, I should not be saying slurs which since then I have stopped as I have not been pulled for a staff sit or warned for it since then.

I feel like I should be unbanned as I still wanted to play on the server, I feel like it is unfair that it was a permament ban from the server and discord due to association all though this seems to be an overreaction. Yes, I +supported a troll application but in my opinion does not warrant a permament ban, am I saying to completely let me off scott free. No. But a more reasonable suggestion such as temporary banning me from the forums would be more accurate than a full out ban from the entire community, it wasn't as if I spammed chat with his ban appeal, begging to +support it. It was a one time thing and I feel a permanent ban is quite harsh, there was other reasons mentioned but I spoke to dawg and from the situation it seems that the other 2 issues wasn't responded too so I am guessing that is no longer relevant as I have been punished for the mentioned issues or the issues are in my opinion non relevant to the ban. Again, I am understandable that does not mean that I should let be completely free, I believe a temporary ban from the forums page is more reasonable.

Have you taken any steps to prevent this from happening again? (e.g., re-reading rules, speaking with staff, improving behavior):

Yes, I guess. I have spoken to dawg in DMs about the original first 2 issues and from the response it seems that they werent relevant and it was more about the +support but that is from my prospective from the response I recieved. I would like to mention I am not here to just minge, yeah of course I might not be the most entirely serious person so not is everybody else, the other day I saw some very "not so serious things" from members of command referring to when a group of players decided to do a certain salute and even one point someone did it during a navy command meeting. Plus from what I know a lot of players on this server are not serious, but besides the point I still can and capable of roleplaying properly, I still plan to create a Navy Operations Handbook and continue being a (SGT/MSGT i think) in Nova Troopers.

Do you have any evidence to support your appeal? (Screenshots, videos, logs, etc.) If so, attach them here:
*Would not attach properly is on the bottom of ban appeal.*

Additional Information (Anything else you'd like to add in your defense or for consideration):
I am not asking for a full pardon with no reprecussions for the +support, I am asking for a more reasonable response to the actions I have made:
My personal opinion a temporary blacklist on forums for the minge +support and for the first reason, "shit talking the server" a temporary main discord timeout in my opinion is reasonable enough.

Thank you for reading this ban appeal.

For verbal confirmation that I did plan on keeping up my promises as Nova and Brigade Command, please speak to the respective leaders or they may comment on this post. As I would like to respect the group chat/command privacy.
groove - High Prefect
sin - Commander of the Navy

I am not here to defend tux's actions it was pretty dumb and I understand that and if he would like to be unbanned he can make that appeal.


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February 14, 2025 at 2:15 PM
me and Ibby have known each other for a long time. He does associate himself with that group but he doesn't act like them. He's very opinionated but I don't believe he should've been banned.

  • Sin, Administrator

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February 14, 2025 at 2:26 PM
Talking shit about the server shouldnt get you a perma ban

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February 14, 2025 at 2:47 PM

Go ahead and free my boy he is Pakistan's Number 1 soldier
Senior Moderator

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February 14, 2025 at 4:24 PM
Who cares

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February 14, 2025 at 6:03 PM

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February 14, 2025 at 9:45 PM
Good Ban Appeal, Decision will be made Tomorrow.

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February 15, 2025 at 8:56 AM


Perhaps I judged you too harshly.