Bring back /anim
February 17, 2025 at 5:00 AM
What is the Idea and can you describe the idea in the best way possible: They are a series of animations that can be done by doing /anim. They are roleplay friendly I.E no minge content.
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?: This is something that has already been implmented once.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): I do not think there can be any negative draw back from this, there are not any commands within the plugin that would break immersion or the server.
Is there any additional information you can add?: No sir 🖖
Why should this Idea be added into the server and how can it be added?: This is something that has already been implmented once.
Is there any way this can affect the server negatively? (Please be open and honest on this): I do not think there can be any negative draw back from this, there are not any commands within the plugin that would break immersion or the server.
Is there any additional information you can add?: No sir 🖖
Say it with me! Safety, Security, Justice, and Peace! Safety, Security, Justice, and Peace!!
February 20, 2025 at 2:09 AM
+1 i cant stand atease all the time
February 20, 2025 at 4:21 PM
+1 i stand with the cheese
February 21, 2025 at 12:58 AM