Wishys staff app
February 21, 2025 at 8:30 PM
Steam Name: Wishy
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199052123053/
steam ID: STEAM_1:1:545928662
Discord Username/ID: w15hy_16
Age: 17
Timezone: PST
Time Played: server: 1 day 6 hours, Gmod: 2500
Are you V.I.P?: no
Do you have a mic and do you use it? yes
Staff Recommendations: sin
Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
DT-W44 [Active Death trooper, no more no less. ISB guard]
Have you recieved any staff punishments? No
If so how can you improve next time? N/A
Please explain the time period the server is set in: Stars wars Galatic empire reigns AFE 0009
Are you currently on any other servers? not any active ones
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.
yes, ive been CM, Super Admininstration, and Lower administration
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words] I would be a good fit to the staff team because I enjoy playing on this server as well have notice the shortage of staff members and their lack in their lower administration --competence/activity-- (except admiralty [he cool]) . I'm aware the server and staff team is in need of more staff members as well as staff members who know what to do and how to do the proper staffing things. I have much experience of staffing since i have started Role playing over almost five years ago. I have been everything from trial moderator to Community manager in a variety of servers but I tend to stick around smaller servers like this one. I can also be active a little bit before most staff during the weekdays due to me being in the PST time zone and getting home earlier than most staff do while they are working. I am also going to point out that I am not stupid either and can handle a situation out of character if it comes to it. I also enjoy helping out people along with setting up recruits and players for their separate factions. I also would be a good fit because I just really enjoy playing the server to begin with but the staff sometimes can really be inactive or irritable.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team?
Hopefully, if the server is still around and people dont just drop it, still on the staff team
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this? [200 words] The first thing I wish to improve about the staff team is its mingery from the staff team as a whole. I have witnessed very many irritable and straight out annoying things that some of our most active staff members have done and would like to be the opposite of that along with helping trying to correct it. Another thing I would like to improve is inactivity within the staff team, the discord shows many lower administrators that I have yet to see do anything along with being on the server or even taking tickets at that. Most staff that are active either don't respond to tickets or are AFK all the time. The third thing I would like to improve staff wise is the incompetence, I have seen a specific few individuals carry out tasks out of character such as power game and meta game to get their way in a scenario and/or influence another scenario to start with that information they were given out of character. I plan to accomplish this by being active, not abusing my powers to get or give whatever i want nor will I be incompetent when it comes to handling scenarios.
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199052123053/
steam ID: STEAM_1:1:545928662
Discord Username/ID: w15hy_16
Age: 17
Timezone: PST
Time Played: server: 1 day 6 hours, Gmod: 2500
Are you V.I.P?: no
Do you have a mic and do you use it? yes
Staff Recommendations: sin
Basic Questions:
Please list all of your in character names and ranks. Give a detailed description on your job and responsibilities.
DT-W44 [Active Death trooper, no more no less. ISB guard]
Have you recieved any staff punishments? No
If so how can you improve next time? N/A
Please explain the time period the server is set in: Stars wars Galatic empire reigns AFE 0009
Are you currently on any other servers? not any active ones
Staffing Questions:
Do you have any staffing experience? If so list the server and position.
yes, ive been CM, Super Admininstration, and Lower administration
Why would you be a good fit to the staff team? [200 words] I would be a good fit to the staff team because I enjoy playing on this server as well have notice the shortage of staff members and their lack in their lower administration --competence/activity-- (except admiralty [he cool]) . I'm aware the server and staff team is in need of more staff members as well as staff members who know what to do and how to do the proper staffing things. I have much experience of staffing since i have started Role playing over almost five years ago. I have been everything from trial moderator to Community manager in a variety of servers but I tend to stick around smaller servers like this one. I can also be active a little bit before most staff during the weekdays due to me being in the PST time zone and getting home earlier than most staff do while they are working. I am also going to point out that I am not stupid either and can handle a situation out of character if it comes to it. I also enjoy helping out people along with setting up recruits and players for their separate factions. I also would be a good fit because I just really enjoy playing the server to begin with but the staff sometimes can really be inactive or irritable.
Where do you see yourself a month after joining the staff team?
Hopefully, if the server is still around and people dont just drop it, still on the staff team
What do you wish to improve about the staff team and how do you plan to acomplish this? [200 words] The first thing I wish to improve about the staff team is its mingery from the staff team as a whole. I have witnessed very many irritable and straight out annoying things that some of our most active staff members have done and would like to be the opposite of that along with helping trying to correct it. Another thing I would like to improve is inactivity within the staff team, the discord shows many lower administrators that I have yet to see do anything along with being on the server or even taking tickets at that. Most staff that are active either don't respond to tickets or are AFK all the time. The third thing I would like to improve staff wise is the incompetence, I have seen a specific few individuals carry out tasks out of character such as power game and meta game to get their way in a scenario and/or influence another scenario to start with that information they were given out of character. I plan to accomplish this by being active, not abusing my powers to get or give whatever i want nor will I be incompetent when it comes to handling scenarios.
February 24, 2025 at 4:50 PM
+1 know him from other star wars servers good guy
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